Featured Work
Dune II Trailer
Sound Design Placement
Lockwood & Co.
Sound Design Placements
Infinite Samples
Sound Designer
Arrangements & Programming
Tempest Whispers
Introversion [Album] Warner Chapel Production Music
Sideways (Factory Blackout) [Podcast Placement] BBC Radio 4
This Cop Life (They All Scream In The End) [TV Placement] Really/Discovery
Turing [Trailer Score] Co-composed with Dean Valentine
Subcultural [Podcast] Mailchimp
Diageo x UK Mens Sheds with Tony Bellew [Campaign] Maker Film
5 Rod Farm [Brand Video]
Tempest Whispers [Dance Project]
Cycle Path [Short] WWF Cymru's Earth Hour 2023
Psychological Turmoil [Album] Figure and Groove
Baked Beans [Short] Co-composed with Ross Baillie-Eames
Marmalade Skies [Short]
Body of Water [Short]
Retribution [Short]
Did You Forget Me? [Short]
Disconnected [Short]
Heels [Short]
Did You Miss Me? [Short] Co-composed with Ross Baillie-Eames
Seaside Song [Animation] Co-composed with Lauren Joanne Hutchins
Black Words Matter [Spoken Word]
Missed [Short]
Included [Short]
The Perfect Present [Animation] D&AD New Blood Award Winner
Sound Design
Dune II Trailer (Pangea - Infinite Samples) [Sound Design Placement] Warner Bros.
Lockwood & Co. (Cinematic 80s Pack - Infinite Samples) [Sound Design Placement] Netflix
Earth [Programming/ Arrangements/ Musical Sound Design] BBC
Sound Designer - Infinite Samples
Survivor [Sound Design] Dir. Louis Lampard
Tom Morrison Advert [Sound Design] Dir. Tom Hughes
Lady Macbeth [Sound Design] Dir. Rajab Mahmood - Executive Producer Joe Lycett
Freelance Sound Designer [Various Sound Libraries] Sunday Sounds
My Kontakt Instruments - Hosted on Pianobook
Winter Voices [Competition Winner] Pianobook - Recorded with India Ashberry